Welcome to the Ascot District Day Centre

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The Ascot District Day Centre is an independent charity-run organisation, providing a home from home environment for the elderly of Sunninghill, Ascot and Sunningdale. It has operated for more than forty years offering members an opportunity to meet friends and to socialise, in a structured and safe environment.

Due to a shortage of drivers we are currently opening just 4 days a week. However, we are working hard on finding drivers to enable us to open on Mondays as well.

We’re looking for drivers for our buses, so we can open on Monday. Do you have some spare time and would like to join us as a driver? Then please get in touch now.

Recent Events

Love bridge?

We're starting a bridge club at the Ascot Day Centre. Whether you’re a group looking for a place to play bridge, or someone looking to start or join a new group, contact The Ascot Day Centre and join us on Wednesday mornings for our new Bridge Club from 4 October....

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

It's another coffee morning!! This time in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Come and join us to enjoy some fabulous cakes, company and raise money for a worthy cause on 29th September between 10:00 - 12:00. Non-members are welcome.

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Join us for a coffee morning

You are invited to support the Ascot Day Centre on Thursday 28th September. Join us for a coffee morning at the Centre from 10:00 - 12:00. Cakes are kindly supplied by Coworth Park Hotel. Non-members are very welcome! We look forward to seeing you.

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Over 30 Local Volunteers

The day centre team along with an army of volunteers are always happy to welcome anyone who would like to come to visit for a day.  At the moment, we have 85 Day Centre members, averaging 20 members per day.

Five days a week

The Day Centre is open from Monday to Friday each week (although our opening days are currently more limited due to a shortage of drivers). A wide range of activities and services are available to members during their visits to the Centre.

Day Centre Members

Years in the Community



Our members enjoy good food and care, a sense of belonging and through social contacts and activities, there is fun and friendship for our elderly.  This helps them to live happily and independently for as long as possible.

We always have lots going on at the Day Centre, with our staff and volunteers continuously running activities for members to enjoy. Below is a taste of some of the things we get up to and which we are hoping to arrange again soon…

Coffee morning

28th September – Day Centre – 10:00 – 12:00

Join us for a coffee morning with cakes from Coworth Park in aid of the Day Centre.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

29th September – Day Centre – 10:00 – 12:00

Join us for a coffee morning with scrumptuous cakes in aid of a worthy cause.

Love Bridge?

Wednesdays – 10:30 – 12:00

Join us for bridge on Wednesdays, get in touch with us to find out more.

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Volunteer With Us or Donate Today!

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